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Analyze your micronutrient intake

If you habitually eat balanced, nutritious food, you still may not be getting sufficient quantities of micronutrients. Factors such as age, certain health conditions, prescription medications and other issues can affect the body’s ability to properly absorb the nutrients in your food. In addition, food you may think is nutrient-rich may not really be so. Soil quality, storage time and processing can all adversely affect nutrient levels in food. Given the vital work the micronutrients perform in the body, it makes sense to find out if your body has a sufficient supply.

Micronutrient Test offered at LivingYoung is the most comprehensive and advanced testing available in its class. This blood panel test measures the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids in white blood cells. Analysis of white blood cells provides the most accurate picture of a body’s deficiencies.

What are Micronutrients?

Micronutrients are trace amounts of minerals, such as selenium, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc and fluoride, to name a few. They are also vitamins such as vitamin C, A, D, E, K and B-complex vitamins. Each of these performs specific functions vital to proper functioning of the body. All of them in one way or the other are catalysts for the chemical reactions involved in converting the macronutrients into energy and body tissue.

Nutrition for the body comes in two varieties: macronutrients and micronutrients. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the macronutrients and in the course of any day, most people consume plenty of each. On the other hand are micronutrients – vitamins and minerals — which the body requires in only very small amounts. While most Americans are overnourished with macronutrients, studies have shown that up to 50% are undernourished when it comes to micronutrients. Insufficient micronutrient intake has both short-term and long-term implications for disease risk. One of the roles of micronutrients is to keep the immune system strong. Diets deficient in essential micronutrients impair the body’s resistance to viral or bacterial infection. In the long term, a lack of the nutrients required for DNA methylation and gene stability may increase the risk for far more serious diseases such as certain cancers.

Here are just a few micronutrients and their jobs:

  • Iodine helps the body metabolize fat and is necessary for a properly functioning thyroid.
  • Iron helps produce red blood cells and lymphocytes.
  • Magnesium helps maintain the heart’s normal rhythm and helps convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It also is necessary for the metabolization of many micronutrients.
  • Manganese promotes bone formation and energy production. It helps the body metabolize macronutrients.
  • Sodium regulates the balance of fluid in body. It enables fluids to pass through cell walls and regulates pH levels in the blood.
  • Vitamins C and E are important antioxidants.
  • Zinc helps develop the immune system.
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Micronutrient test includes:


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Biotin
  • Folate
  • Pantothenate
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K


  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Copper

Amino Acids

  • Asparagine
  • Glutamine
  • Serine

Fatty Acids

  • Oleic Acid


  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Cysteine
  • Glutathione
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin E

Carbohydrate Metabolism

  • Chromium
  • Fructose Sensitivity
  • Glucose-Insulin Metabolism


  • Choline
  • Inositol
  • Carnitine


  • for Total Antioxidant Function


  • Immune Response Score

What are Micronutrients?

Micronutrients are trace amounts of minerals, such as selenium, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc and fluoride, to name a few. They are also vitamins such as vitamin C, A, D, E, K and B-complex vitamins. Each of these performs specific functions vital to proper functioning of the body. All of them in one way or the other are catalysts for the chemical reactions involved in converting the macronutrients into energy and body tissue.

Nutrition for the body comes in two varieties: macronutrients and micronutrients. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the macronutrients and in the course of any day, most people consume plenty of each. On the other hand are micronutrients – vitamins and minerals — which the body requires in only very small amounts. While most Americans are overnourished with macronutrients, studies have shown that up to 50% are undernourished when it comes to micronutrients. Insufficient micronutrient intake has both short-term and long-term implications for disease risk. One of the roles of micronutrients is to keep the immune system strong. Diets deficient in essential micronutrients impair the body’s resistance to viral or bacterial infection. In the long term, a lack of the nutrients required for DNA methylation and gene stability may increase the risk for far more serious diseases such as certain cancers.

Here are just a few micronutrients and their jobs:

  • Iodine helps the body metabolize fat and is necessary for a properly functioning thyroid.
  • Iron helps produce red blood cells and lymphocytes
  • Magnesium helps maintain the heart’s normal rhythm and helps convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. It also is necessary for the metabolization of many micronutrients.
  • Manganese promotes bone formation and energy production. It helps the body metabolize macronutrients.
  • Sodium regulates the balance of fluid in body. It enables fluids to pass through cell walls and regulates pH levels in the blood.
  • Vitamins C and E are important antioxidants.
  • Zinc helps develop the immune system.

Symptoms of Micronutrient Deficiency

Deficiencies are often hard to detect. You may notice no symptoms at all, or they may be so slight as to produce only mild, tolerable symptoms. Then again you may exhibit more intolerable symptoms that seem to have no apparent cause. You eat right, you exercise, but still you experience:

Tingling or numbness in your hands or feet. This can be a sign of vitamin B deficiency, especially B6, B12 and folate, or result from a calcium deficiency. This symptom is related to the deficiency’s effect on the peripheral nerves, which may also be exhibited as anxiety, depression, fatigue and hormone imbalances.

Cracks at corners of your mouth. This could be a sign of zinc, iron or B2 vitamin deficiency.

Hair Loss or a red, scaly rash on the face. A deficiency in vitamin B7 could be the culprit here. B7 (also known as biotin) is well-known for the role in plays in strengthening hair and nails.

Acne-like bumps on arms, thighs, cheeks or buttocks. These bumps might result from a vitamin A or vitamin D deficiency. Insufficient omega-3s may also be a factor.

Leg, feet or toe muscle cramps. Cramps might indicate a deficiency of magnesium, calcium and/or potassium, especially if recurring.

Fatigue/low energy. May be due to any number of micronutrient deficiencies, including folic acid, iron, iodine, copper, sodium, or vitamins B12, B5, B1.

Altered sense of taste. Suspect a copper deficiency, or a zinc deficiency which affects both taste and the sense of smell.

Impaired wound healing. Copper, zinc, and vitamin C all play roles in wound healing.

Clotting and bruising issues: Iron, folic acid, vitamin C.

Allergies. Might be due to insufficient selenium which also could cause heart muscle disorders and immune system deficiencies. Vitamin B6 also has a role in allergic reactions.

High blood pressure/heart issues: Micronutrients are vitally important to heart health. Deficiencies in magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, calcium, phosphorus, selenium or potassium can cause anything from cardiac arrhythmias and circulatory problems to stroke.

Tired eyes/cataracts. Vitamins A, B2, B12, and C all play a role in eye health. In fact, vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of blindness in children, and has been shown as a cause of night blindness in pregnant women.

Find out your Micronutrient levels

As you can see, often more than one micronutrient deficiency is associated with these varying symptoms. So trying to eliminate a symptom by willy-nilly supplementation is not the answer. You’d be in a much better position to alleviate symptoms when you know exactly which micronutrients your body is deficient in. And the only way to find this out is through Micronutrient Testing.

You receive the test results in an easy-to-understand format that includes an overview page listing deficiencies, as well as numeric and graphic reports. Our medical specialist will consult with you on your test results so you have an in-depth understanding of every detail. You will also receive recommendations for fixing any deficiencies through supplementation and nutritional/food guidance.

Once you know if it’s a nutrient deficiency that is causing your symptoms, you are well on your way to feeling your best. We are pleased to offer this test as just one more way for help you keep living young. The blood draw takes just a couple of minutes in either of our two locations.

What if I live out of town? Can I still do this test?

Absolutely! We have draw centers that we work with across the US and in some areas mobile phlebotomist that can come to you. First step is to purchase the test online, once we receive your order we will call you set up your blood. You may also call us directly.


Order test online – Once the order is placed we will contact you to discuss your convenient options to have your blood drawn, in office, or at a local draw center (not available in New York, Rhode Island, Maryland or New Jersey). We will also create a patient portal where you can easily submit your medical history to us.


Evaluate Results – Included is an evaluation of your results with our specializing medical practitioner. When your results come in we will contact you to set up an evaluation and send your results to your patient portal. This evaluation may be done in office or over the phone. This is where you will get insight of what your results mean and get guidance as to ways to immediately improve your health.

Living Young med spa in St. Petersburg, Seminole, and Palm Harbor

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8686 131st. St. N.
Seminole, FL 33776

Palm Harbor

35196 US Hwy 19 N.
Palm Harbor, FL 33684

St. Petersburg

5156 Central Ave.,
St. Petersburg, FL 33710

Odessa - now open!

2320 Gunn Hwy, Suite 4
Odessa, FL 33556