We get this question a lot! Although LDN is gaining increasing recognition as a highly effective therapy for most autoimmune disorders including allergies, it is largely ignored by conventional physicians. This is unfortunate, because our patients who have used this therapy, along with the other innovative treatments have reaped profound benefits. Here is the deal, the drug Naltrazone has already been patented, so even though we use a very low dose of this drug (1.5mg vs 50mg) for a complete different use, benefit and purpose, it has already been patented, hence there is no money to be made in pharmaceutical world to push this low dose form of Naltraxone. There are not LDN reps knocking on your primary care physician’s door offering perks and free samples for promoting this drug for this purpose. LDN is safe, effective and relatively inexpensive. The only problem most patients encounter is finding a practitioner who knows about it and is willing to prescribe it. Our medical practitioners have first-hand experience with this remarkable medication and they use LDN along with our other innovative therapies to help patients regain their health and vitality.