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What is LDN?

LDN is a safe, yet underused medication that is extremely beneficial for patients with any condition marked by immune system dysfunction. Naltrexone has been used in 50-100 mg doses for decades to help patients recover from addiction to alcohol, heroin and other opiate drugs. However, more than 20 years ago it was discovered that very small doses of this drug—1.5 to 4.5 mg—have profound effects on the immune system.

“LDN can be a game changer for patients with autoimmune.”

How does LDN work?

LDN works by boosting levels of endorphins and peptides produced in the brain and adrenal glands, that are best known for relieving pain and enhancing sense of well-being—they are responsible for the “runner’s high” brought on by strenuous exercise. These natural peptides are also powerful modulators of the immune system. When LDN is taken, it attaches to opioid receptors and temporarily blocks endorphins from attaching. This signals the body to increase production of endorphins, which helps orchestrate the activity of stem cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, T and B cells, and other immune cells. As a result, LDN enhances the body’s ability to fight disease.

Can LDN help me?

Patients with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, hashimotos and other autoimmune disorders have experience a reduction in flare-ups and a decrease in the intensity of their symptoms. Those suffering with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue report more energy and less pain. Individuals dealing with various types of cancer receive an invaluable immune boost from LDN. Children with autism also benefit. Furthermore, because of its broad immune-enhancing properties, LDN is an excellent preventative therapy that boosts immune function in older individuals.

Living Young Center logo in St. Pete, Palm Harbor, and Seminole

If LDN is so great, how come my primary doctor hasn’t recommended it to me?

We get this question a lot! Although LDN is gaining increasing recognition as a highly effective therapy for most autoimmune disorders including allergies, it is largely ignored by conventional physicians. This is unfortunate, because our patients who have used this therapy, along with the other innovative treatments have reaped profound benefits. Here is the deal, the drug Naltrazone has already been patented, so even though we use a very low dose of this drug (1.5mg vs 50mg) for a complete different use, benefit and purpose, it has already been patented, hence there is no money to be made in pharmaceutical world to push this low dose form of Naltraxone. There are not LDN reps knocking on your primary care physician’s door offering perks and free samples for promoting this drug for this purpose. LDN is safe, effective and relatively inexpensive. The only problem most patients encounter is finding a practitioner who knows about it and is willing to prescribe it. Our medical practitioners have first-hand experience with this remarkable medication and they use LDN along with our other innovative therapies to help patients regain their health and vitality.

How much dose LDN cost?

The cost for LDN therapy is $95/month or $249 which will include 3 month supply of medication. Our specializing medical practitioner will work with you to find your perfect dose. Typically a low dose between 0.5mg-1.5mg is prescribed to start with then slowly titrated up. Some patients do perfect at 1.5mg, some patients do best at 4.5mg.

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is one of the RARE medications that actually helps your body to heal itself and may hold the promise of helping millions of people with autoimmune diseases.

-Aubrey Phillips, PA-C
Living Young Center logo in St. Pete, Palm Harbor, and Seminole

How can I get started?

Finding out if you are a candidate for LDN. Call us and we will schedule an appointment in office with one of our medical practitioners. A one-time $75 prescribing and medical clearance fee will be due at this appointment.

Call us today!

After your consultation you will find out if you are a candidate for LDN Therapy. If you are a candidate and wish to start, a treatment plan will be created for you. Typically, a low dose is prescribed to start and slowly titrated up until the perfect dose for you is found. High-quality prescription LDN will be shipped directly to your home.

Living Young med spa in St. Petersburg, Seminole, and Palm Harbor

Schedule a Consultation


8686 131st. St. N.
Seminole, Fl 33776

Monday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday: 11 AM – 7 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: 11 AM – 7 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Saturday: Rotating
Sunday: Closed


Palm Harbor

35196 US Hwy 19 N.
Palm Harbor, FL 33684

Monday: 9 AM–4 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM–5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM–6 PM
Thursday: 9 AM–6 PM
Friday: 9 AM–5 PM
Saturday: Rotating
Sunday: Closed


St. Petersburg

5156 Central Avenue,
Saint Petersburg, FL 33710

Monday: 12 PM – 7 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday: 11 AM – 7 PM
Thursday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Saturday: Rotating
Sunday: Closed


Odessa - now open!

2320 Gunn Hwy Suite 4
Odessa, FL 33556

Monday: 9 AM–5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM–5 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM–7 PM
Thursday: 9 AM–7 PM
Friday: 9 AM–5 PM
Saturday: Rotating
Sunday: Closed